Sunday, June 2, 2013

New world class ski resort Pyongyang-Wonsan in North Korea and Ignace meuwissen will sign to promote the resort !

Ignace meuwissen will sign with North Korean to promote the new ski resort Pyongyang-Wonsan.
Ignace meuwissen CEO of PROPERTY4EAST will sign with North Korean to promote the new ski resort Pyongyang-Wonsan.

New world class ski resort map in Wonsan North Korea
 Kim Jong with the staff talking on how to build the world class ski resort.
New world class ski resort  in Wonsan North Korea
North Korea has launched the construction of a world class ski resort Pyongyang-Wonsan in Wonsan Masik hill with a range of slopes and a hotel, The area of the ski resort is 2520 feet (768 meters) tall and usually receives heavy snowfall between November and March.

for more inquiries thank you to contact us.